What is Own Your Data?
As many others, I track relevant habits or different health metrics. For each type of measurement, I need to install yet another application and share my data with a company (and who knows with how many third parties!). Tired and confused of so many terms of privacy and cookies approvals, I have started recording my data on my computer in files. But how to visualize my data such that I can understand my behaviour? This is where the Own Your Data idea started, and it resulted in a web application, meant to be used by anyone who wants to analyse, privately, their data.
Powered by Pyodide, this platform, written in Python and by using Streamlit, DuckDB and Plotly, enables you to visualize your data seamlessly without sharing your data or needing IT knowledge.
This (experimental) web application is developed under the open source framework. It is free to use, and it is meant as a mean of learning things, about data and/or yourself.